Send Internationalized
Transactional Emails

Automatically translated to your user's native language.
It also works for ALL your transactional emails!

How It Works

Create your email templates in your native language and make one simple API call to send them in the right language.

1. Write your email content in your default language

Write your transactional emails:

  • Welcome emails
  • Lost password emails
  • Notification emails
  • You know what transactional emails are!

With variables:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Anything you'd want, it's flexible

You can write them with the visual editor or edit the HTML yourself.

Write your email content in your default language.

2. Call the PolyglotMail API from your back-end

As simple as possible:

await fetch(``, {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  body: JSON.stringify({
    template_key: 'welcome_with_name',
    from: 'PolyglotMail ',
    to: '', // recipient email
    user_id: 'will_be_useful_later', // id unique to the recipient
    lang: 'fr', // recipient language
    // custom variables
    name: 'You',

Call the PolyglotMail API.

PolyglotMail automatically translates the email content to match your user's language

3. PolyglotMail automatically translates the email content to match your user's language

We're using the latest available translation AI, such as Microsoft Translator V3.

You can also choose to override the translation manually, if you're bilingual for instance. cough, cough

Of course, if the user language matches the one you used to write the email... your original email is sent!

PolyglotMail sends the translated email to the user.

4. PolyglotMail sends the translated email to the user

We're using world-known Mailgun to send your emails, with your authenticated DKIM/SPF domains to eliminate risks of being thrown in the dreaded SPAM folder.

Also, PolyglotMail stores the email sent for the last 30 days. You can display them in your dashboard or access them through our API.

Pssst: did I mention you can use it for ALL your customers? Even the one speaking your own language? Because yes, it's the case.

Start speaking the right language to your users


Sending emails shouldn't hurt your business.
PolyglotMail is CHEAPER than any other solution if you send less than 1000 emails per month.

$14.99 / month

Including 1000 emails


Emails Price per Email
Additional 1,000 $0.01
1,001 - 10,000 $0.008
10,001 - 100,000 $0.006
100,001 and more $0.004